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When placing an order, the customer must have one of the following options:

In case it is a heating element with standard shape and dimensions, the client can help by telling us the working power of the heater.

In cases where we are dealing with a special request, the client should possess a technical drawing of the product with all the electrical information, or possess a sample which we can measure and obtain all the necessary information.

Yes, in addition to producing large series for different manufacturers and technical maintenance providers, we also offer products in not very large quantities for different customers.

The waiting time depends a lot on the ordered quantity and the current state of our inventory of semi-finished products. Also in case of need for special flanges, then this also affects the finishing time of a product.

In cases when we are dealing with small quantities and when the semi-product needed for the final product is in our inventory, then as a rule of thumb our customers should not wait more than two hours to receive the products.

In case of a larger request, then customers have to calculate with a longer waiting time, but in 90% of cases it does not exceed one week.

The answer to this question depends on many factors, from the type of the heating element, and also from the infrastructure in the place where the heating element will be used. Since the products are tested in many stages of production, and are tested in much more extreme conditions than they will be used, the cases when it comes to any eventual breakdown are not caused by the quality of our product. We offer a warranty in special cases, but also when someone comes up with a complaint, we can find out exactly the reason for the product not working, and take responsibility in cases where the fault is on our side.

08:30 to 17:00 from November to April.
08:30 to 18:00 for the remaining months.

Products are usually paid 30% at the time of ordering, and 70% at the time of receipt of the products.

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